Each day think of three new things you're grateful for and why you are grateful. As you think of each thing or person, stop for a moment and hold the feeling of gratitude before going to the next. Think for a moment why you are grateful for that person or thing. The brain needs at least 15 seconds to shift its chemistry. By doing this you are teaching your brain to scan the world in a new pattern, for positives instead of negatives and threats. It works better if you are specific and point your gratitude to a person or group. "I'm grateful to the
Creator for bananas because they give me nourishment." "I'm grateful for my dad because he hugged me today which means I'm loved regardless." "I'm grateful to the Creator for giving me breath because my breath keeps me alive and functioning." These expressions get the brain stuck in new patterns of optimism. Feeling grateful for something is not exactly the same as recalling something that went well or something good that happened. They sound and feel the same, but they are not exactly. When you feel grateful you are pointing to some person or group of people or a pet or God who have given something to you...who loved and cared for you enough to provide something life giving. This is an awareness that you have been loved! And that is most important!
Writing 3 things in a journal each day makes the experience more effective. You may even start a text conversation with a friend or family member sharing your 3 gratitudes with each other.
Watch the videos "Gratitude", "The Science of Gratitude" and "How Gratitude Changes Your Brain" below.
Behavioral scientists say that repeating 3 things you are grateful for every day for 21 days straight will create positive brainwaves that will continue for 6 months!


The Science of Gratitude